Tales of Hecate and Rite of Her Sacred Fires

 I am beginning a project of documenting all of the published stories and tales I can find related to the goddess Hecate (Hekate).  I felt it was a great time begin this as we're here on the full moon at the time of Rite of Her Sacred Fires (RoHSF).  This is a modern day festival worldwide festival celebrating the goddess created by Sorita d'Este.  It is conducted during the first full moon in May. It is a time of coming closer to the energies of Hecate. Feeling them and celebrating the connection that it has with not only the world but with the personal connection with it.

Altar photo with tea lights, a key on beds and a box for Hecate.

The plan for this project is that I'll be adding any and all written works and tales that I can find related to the Hecate.  I hope that it will be beneficial and you enjoy reading it.

For now, I'm off to celebrate my ritual for RoHSF. I wanted to share this video of one from a some years ago.

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