Chaldean Oracles - 147

The Chaldean Oracles are a group of fragmented texts from the 2nd Century AD and are attributed to Babylonia (Chaldea).  The text refers to Hecate as the female power or Mother of all with two Fathers.  Setting Hecate as the Cosmic World Soul. 

I thought it might be a great project to look at the translated snippets of the references to Hecate in the Oracles to see how they relate to one another, to Hecate in general and our thoughts on Hecate today.

For this I decided to use the translation by Charles Stein.  Mr. Stein is an author and poet and has completed several translation as well as studies on Eleusinian subjects.  His original translation of the Chaldean Oracles can be found at the link below.

Understand that not everyone follows this particular belief in Hecate’s origins.  Some follow the more modern view of Hecate as the Crone aspect of the triple goddess construct.  I invite those with that perspective to follow this line of thought for a moment just to see where it leads. 

Translated by Charles Stein

Says Hekate:

Invoke me often
and you'll see
that everything
                                    is LIONS:

For neither does the arched mass of the sky appear,
nor do the stars shine.
The light of the moon is occluded;
the earth has no fixed place.

All things are seen in lightning flashes.               [147]

Here I go to to the second part as it has the most information.  "The light of the moon occluded" - Occluded is defined as clogged up.  With this definition along with the last line "all things are seen in lightning flashes" leads me to the conclusion that we're talking about a stormy night. 

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